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Are You Ready to Heal Your 


So Your Kids

Don't Have To?

Mama, you are the spirit guardian and guide to your little ones, and latent within you have the divine abilities to protect your New Earth children's connection to the universe. But what happens when you don’t know how to access these abilities and you get frustrated with them, and start projecting your limiting beliefs and painful emotions onto them, and they grow up disconnected and doubting themselves?


Or when something happens that instills trauma but you aren’t able to release it, and they carry this pain with them into adulthood, or it manifests as something more severe early on?


It’s an uncomfortable truth of what has happened to the majority of humanity, but this cycle can stop with you!


It's time to become a cycle breaker and heal your wounds so your little ones don’t have to.

Let’s awaken these abilities with

This gentle, powerful, and transformative healing modality allows for the effective and therapeutic release of traumatic events, old baggage, and wounds, to provide the opportunity for mothers to expand, heal themselves, and be divine mentors for the New Earth children.

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are you feeling this mama?

You've experienced/experiencing postpartum depression and struggling to find the joy in motherhood

You're constantly triggered by your little ones behaviour, whether resisting sleep, fussiness or temper tantrums and can't seem to remain calm

You had a miscarriage or traumatic birth and somehow feel disconnected from your child

You want to do energy healing with your children but are unsure of exactly how to access this energy when you barely have any yourself

Then come get certified to heal your kids through ThetaHealing!

Green Forest

"ThetaHealing has been foundational to my experience as a mother.  It has given me so much strength and empowerment.  I use it not only on myself but on my kids daily and we are both so much happier because of it!"

Mother Carrying Her Daughter

Angela G

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Now, Imagine This

You confidently show up for yourself and your children with ease and grace, certain in your worthiness as a mom.

You make a full-time income doing what you love and feel worthy and deserving of your abundance and wealth all while being with your family.

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You've healed generational, childhood & past life wounds allowing you to be a cycle breaker and prevent your children from experiencing the same beliefs

You finally embody the level of self-love that allows you to confidently take time for yourself guilt-free!

You fully trust yourself and your intuition to make bold, decisive choices instead of following how you're "supposed to" parent.

You're the healthiest you've ever been, and transcended all postpartum depression!

You feel abundant, aligned, and limitless, and know that this is only the BEGINNING of your massive success and ascension


hey, I'm Emily


I am Emily Miotto-Lundrigan, a certified ThetaHealing Instructor and ThetaHealing practitioner. I am certified in several of ThetaHealing’s courses and have been practicing for the last six years. I am also mama to one little awakener.


It’s been my own HORRIBLE experiences with postpartum depression that inspired me to help other mamas find the empowerment to heal themselves and their little ones through spirituality.


Through ThetaHealing, somatic movement, and aligning my frequency, I discovered how to prioritize myself outside of motherhood while providing unconditional love, high vibrational parenting, and healing to my little one.


My teachings are designed to help you become a cycle breaker by releasing generational beliefs and awakening you to  your true divinity as a mother. All for the sake of protecting our children from the unnecessary suffering of our karma.


Let's work together to begin your transformational journey today!

Image by Content Pixie
How ThetaHealing Works

This healing process guides you into the Theta brainwave state, where all of our subconscious programs lie.


In this malleable and suggestible brainwave state is when, in our childhood, we pick up beliefs about who we are and where we fit into the world.


Once in Theta, we explore your past to find where your ‘bottom beliefs', as they’re known in Theta Healing, were formed.


Theta Healing allows for a deeper awareness of your life, connection to yourself, and to the world.


You'll be connected to your Highest Self to activate the empowerment to make positive changes in your life, even after the session.

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Not Only That!

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ThetaHealing can be used to heal your child to!  This sacred bond between you two allows allows for deeper healing, a stronger connection, and more empowerment as a mother.  

  • Balance kids chakras, cortisol levels, adrenals

  • Connect with their higher self to address their specific needs as an individual

  • Clear energetic cords/spirit attachments

  • Release trauma from birth

  • Improve sleep, help with teething, change colic behaviours

  • and more!

  • 1:1 reprogramming, channeling and healing

    195 Canadian dollars

Want to be certified to heal your kids through ThetaHealing?

  • 1:1 reprogramming, channeling and healing

    1 hr

    195 Canadian dollars
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